Saturday, November 8, 2008

Being A Good Pet Neighbor

As you enjoy your pet's companionship, a little extra effort on your part will teach her to be a good neighbor.

Most communities require each cat in a household to be registered and some have limits on the number of cats one household can own. Keeping your cat indoors avoids problems with neighbors and protects your cat from being hit by a car, encounters with unfriendly dogs or attacks by other animals. If your cat is allowed outdoors, train her to wear a safety collar with an expansion device and a tag that gives your cat's name and your telephone number to distinguish your cat from stray cats. Proper identification enables someone to contact you if your pet wanders far from home.

Cats who are allowed to roam may damage neighbors' gardens or use planters as litter boxes. If you allow your cat outside, keep a watchful eye on her. If she leaves to visit a neighbor, bring her back to her own yard.

A cat who is not neutered or spayed may become an undesirable neighbor. Female cats come into their first heat cycle between five and seven months of age and may have several heat cycles throughout the year. Spaying eliminates the problem of a female in heat who attracts male cats and annoys the neighbors. A male cat who is not neutered can be prone to roam and fight. He also sprays urine, which has a strong, unpleasant odor.

Keep your cat well nourished by feeding a nutritionally complete and balanced quality pet food. Take her to your veterinarian regularly to keep her vaccinations current and to be certain she is free from internal and external parasites and in general good health.

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